Thursday, June 11, 2009


I'm sorry for the times that I left you home
I was on the road and you were alone
I'm sorry for the times that I had to go
I'm sorry for the fact that I did not know

That you were sitting home just wishing we
Could go back to when it was just you and me
I'm sorry for the times I would neglect
I'm sorry for the times I disrespect
I'm sorry for the wrong things that I've done

I'm sorry I'm not always there for you
I'm sorry for the fact that I'm not aware
That you can't sleep at night when I am not there

Because I'm in the streets like everyday
I'm sorry for the things that I did not say
Like how you are the best thing in my world
And how I'm so proud to call you my BESSSST FRIENDD EVER!

I understand that there's some problems
And I'm not too blind to know
All the pain you kept inside you

Even though you might not show
If I can't apologize for being wrong
Then it's just a shame on me
I'll be the reason for your pain

And you can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me

ana, sumpahh sorry gilak. aku belum explain kat ko lgi. sbb,,, aku pon mcm.. susahh r. aku rase mcmm still geram kutt. and macam tadak modd. mcm geraaamm. sorry gilak ana. sumpaahh.

nnt bile aku oke. aku call ko n explain.

today, one whole dayy aku just baring jepp.. and time kluo uh puun mcm.. 'WTFIshh. what am i doing here?? '



Ankakashi said...

xpe la abiiiiiin
aq x marah ngan ko pon
blik kmpg tu bkn nye bnde yg ko nak kn?
sme cam stf tuh
hahahahh, lek lek,
at least bluetooth masih kuat,
next time msti kne jmpe ok!
die die pon kne gak!!
uiiishhhh!! aq rndu killer ngan ko la kaaaaan...

hahahahahhh, senyom meh!

LailaAlfisyahr. said...

korang ni mcm bercinta jekkkk

Ankakashi said...

malu aq ngan kkk mu