Sunday, December 02, 2012

A Comeback


Alhamdulillah :) Finally, I managed to kemas sawang sawang dalam blog ini.

Alhamdulillah, too. Finally, I get inspired to continue writting. with In sya Allah, a better niat.

As a
pembuka bicara,
I would love to give you guys, a quote to ponder upon whie waiting for my next post,
hehe, Its kinda like an assignment for you laa,
In sya Allah, in next post, we will talk more about it.

Credits to Nurlaili Syuhada Moamail, Ibnu Rijal and Hilal Asyraf. They have.. indirectly inspired me to start writting back :) 

Alhamdulillah :) Till here. See you in the next post, In sya Allah.

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